04175-256256          deanarunai@gmail.com

  • Governance

Thiru. E.V. VELU

It gives me immense pleasure to present Arunai Medical College and Hospital for the society. The purpose of establishing Arunai Medical College and Hospital is to give Society is long dependent on education to provide the necessary stepping stone on one's path towards individual growth, which contributes directly to the growth of a society and country as a whole.


Er. E.V.KUMARAN, Vice Chairman of the Trust, with a Master degree in Engineering. He is a dynamic person with immense vision, meticulous planning and speedy execution of trust projects. He has supported to chairman in all his endeavours that has helped the group progress within a short span since establishment. His experience in the field of education will help for getting affiliation and approval from the concerned universities and regulatory bodies. He manages Granite Exports, Garment Exports, Barite Exports and other business apart from the educational institutions.

Arunai Medical College
and Hospital
Velunagar, Themathur, Tiruvannamalai
Mobile No: +91 8056140153
Phone No: 04175-256256
E-Mail : deanarunai@gmail.com

Dr. D.Gunasingh


Decided by the Jeeva Educational Trust.
Dr. D.Gunasingh MBBS, MD(Ped.), DCH, is posted as Dean and Principal of an upcoming institution named Arunai Medical College & Hospital, under Jeeva Educational Trust at Thiruvannamalai Dist., Tamilnadu.
Dr. Gunasingh is a renowned Paediatrician, having acquired his Post Graduate degree from the Institute of Child Health & Hospital for Children, Madras Medical College in 1990. He worked in Tamil Nadu State Medical Service as Assistant Surgeon and progressed to Faculty in Pediatrics at the Institute of Child Health & Hospital for Children, Madras Medical College, and Madras Medical College. He served as Dean of Government at Kanyakumari Medical College in 2014. On Superannuation, he has been appointed as Professor of Pediatrics, at SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu. Later, he served as a Professor of Pediatrics at TRIHMS [Tomo Riba Institute of Health & Medical Sciences], which is the first State-owned Medical College of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
Dr.D. Gunasingh has extensive experience in teaching and research. As National Facilitator, for Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI), he trained approximately more than 2000 primary health service doctors and more than 1500 undergraduate and post-graduates. As National Facilitator, for Facility-based - Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (F-IMNCI) trained more than 350 doctors from secondary health services and more than 500 post-graduates.
Dr.D. Gunasingh conducted more than 50 workshops on “ Infant and Young Child Feeding” for doctors, nurses and Anganwadi workers.
Dr.D. Gunasingh is an AHA (American Heart Association) approved BLS/ACLS course instructor. He has conducted many BLS/ACLS workshops at Arunai Medical College. He served as National Vice-President, of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics. He also served as President and Secretary, of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Tamilnadu State Branch. He has done various activities to promote breastfeeding.
Jeeva Educational Trust is happy to appoint Dr. D.Gunasingh as Dean and Principal of the Arunai Medical College & Hospital, established in Thiruvannamalai, Thiruvannamalai Dist., Tamilnadu.

Arunai Medical College and
Velunagar, Themathur, Tiruvannamalai
Phone No: 04175-256242
E-Mail : msofficeamch@gmail.com


M.S, M.ch – General, Pediatric and Laparoscopic Surgeon

The Hospital Administration is managed by Medical Superintendent under the guidance of the Dean and advices from Medical Director, Vice Chairman and Chairman. Dr.P.Kuppuraj, M.S, M.ch – General, Pediatric and Laparoscopic Surgeon has been appointed as Medical Superintendent. He is a dynamic Surgeon and practicing in the field of surgery with 28 years of experience in performing General, Pediatric, Laparoscopic surgeries and endoscopic procedures. He is also well conversant with administrative skills needed to manage the Teaching Hospital as he has served in various administrative posts in Tamil Nadu Medical service, Government of Tamil Nadu.
He graduated from Chengalpattu medical college, Chengalpattu in 1986 affiliated to Madras University, later received his master degree in 1993 from The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University after completing General Surgery post graduation in Stanley Medical College, Chennai. Further he undergone Super specialty course in Pediatric Surgery in Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore and received M.ch – Pediatric surgery from The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR.Medical University in 2001.
He joined The Tamil Nadu Medical Service, Government of Tamil Nadu in 1989 and served in various Rural, Semi urban, Urban and Metropolitan areas as Medical officer in Primary Health Centers and Assistant Surgeon, later Civil Surgeon and then as Chief Civil Surgeon in Taluk and District Headquarters Hospital in clinical and administrative posts. Upon inception of Government Thiruvannamalai Medical College and Hospital at Thiruvannamalai in 2012 he served in Department of General Surgery as Teaching Faculty and also in charge of administrative posts as Deputy Medical Superintendent and Medical Superintendent. He got relieved from Government service in 2020 upon superannuation.

Arunai Medical College and
Velunagar, Themathur, Tiruvannamalai
Phone No: 04175-256242
E-Mail : amchcommunitymedicinehod@gmail.com

Dr Balaji Arumugam

MBBS MD (Community Medicine)

Postgraduate in M.D. Community Medicine with extensive experience in Public Health Research and Medical Education Research, he is serving as an Editor and Reviewer for both national and international journals and has held numerous academic roles, including Professor and Head, MEU Coordinator, IEC Member, IRC Coordinator, and Ex-Treasurer of the IAPSM Professional Association, Tamil Nadu State. Additionally, he has served as General Secretary of TADCOM. Currently, he is the Vice Principal, Professor and Head of the Department of Community Medicine at Arunai Medical College & Hospital, Tiruvannamalai.
He was awarded the Expert Speaker Award at an International Conference on World Cancer Day, organized by Meenakshi Medical College and Research Institute. In 2023, he received the Best Author Award from Innovative Publications for his first Family Adoption Program article published in JCHM. In September 2022, he was honoured with the Award of Excellence in Innovative Teaching at the ASSAN Awards, organized by the Indian Medical Association, Tambaram (MSN, JDN, and TNSB). Additionally, he received the Best Physician Award on Doctors' Day in July 2022 for his contributions to community medicine research and academics, presented by the Indian Medical Association, Odisha branch. That same year, he was recognized with the IAPSM National Level Presidential Appreciation Award for his significant work in community medicine as a faculty member. Earlier, in April 2022, he received the Best Researcher Award in recognition of his 18 years of professional and academic excellence, which included the publication of over 120 research papers and 7 books. This honor was presented at the INSO Awards during the Pondicherry National Conference. In 2021, he was also honored with the Outstanding Scientist Award for his contributions to the field of medicine. His achievements include being the first author and mentor of a National Award-winning research paper on Community-Based Research, which received the Pyare Lal Sharma Memorial Award at the 47th Annual National IAPSM Conference in January 2020.
He received a Gold Medal for two consecutive years (2019 and 2018) as a reviewer at AMEE, the Association of Medical Education in Europe. In 2018, he designed and published a validated Selfie Addiction Scale. He also authored and guided research articles that received the IJRULA Title Awards in 2018, 2019, and 2020 from IJRULA, an initiative by Idamas Learning Center, Malaysia. His leadership in the Swachhata Pakhwada Programme at Tagore Medical College and Hospital's Department of Community Medicine in 2020 was recognized with a nomination and shortlisting for a Central Government award. In 2017, he was honored with the Best Doctor Award from Tagore Medical College and Hospital.
Over the years, he has published more than 100 research articles in various national and international NMC-approved and indexed journals and presented over 55 research papers at national and international conferences. He has guided over 200 undergraduate, postgraduate, faculty research papers and theses, authored four PG MCQ books, and edited two others. Additionally, he contributed a chapter to the book Current Aspects in Pharmaceutical Research and Development Vol. 9, published by B P International, London, UK.

Biometric Live Attendance Dashboard

As per the directions of the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamilnadu. The Biometric as temporarily discontinued until the further advice

List of Staffs


Doctors Lists


Nurses List

Non Teaching Staffs

NonTeaching Staffs List

List of Sanctioned Intake Capacity

S.No Course Intake Capacity
1. M.B.B.S 150

Year 2015

  1. Sahana B.N, Sangeeta M, “Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Medical Students Regarding Organ Donation”, International Journal of Cur Res Rev - Aug-15
  2. Sahana B N, B M Bannur, Sangeeta M, “Stature Estimation From Hand Dimensions in North Interior Karnataka Staff of B.L.D.E University”, International Journal of Health Sciences and Research - Aug-15
  3. Dr.T.Ganesan, “Pranayama Breathing To Medical Students As a Modern Medical Education Technology”, Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science - January - March 2015 – Volume 3 Issue:1
  4. Vijaya Doddaiah, Katta Janakiram, Shakthi Ramamurthy, Megha Sharathchandru, Yashaswini M.Krishnamurthy, Santhya Seenivasen, “Serologic Hepatitis B Immunity in Vaccinated Health Care Workers”, American Journals of Life Sciences - 11.05.2015
  5. Vijaya.D ,Janakiram.K ,Santhya.S.T, Megha.S ,Vidyasagar.K, Shakthi. R, “A Comparison of Ziehl-Neelsen Staining Techniques For The Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis”, International Journals of Current Research - 30.11.2015 – Volume 7 – Issue: 11.
  6. Angeline NeethaRadjou, Jayakumar Paramasivam, Mohan Kumar S, “The efficacy and safety of non-operative management in abdominal injury in a high volume but resource stretched setting”, International Surgery Journal - 27.10.2015, Volume 2(4), Page 527 – 533.
  7. Najah Abdul Rehman, Archana Vikram, Najma Palakki,Nada Chettian Kandy, “Maternal and Fetal Outcome in Advanced Maternal Age” Journal of Evoluation of Medical and Dental Science - 27.07.2015, Volume 4, Issue 60, Page 10504-10508.
  8. Divyashree N Unchil, Dr. NS Sathish Kumar, Dr. Udaya Kumar Rao, Dr. Deepa, Pavana Krishna Moorthy, “A Short study on change in BP with BMI in Obese and Nonobese young girl students”, Internation Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology – 2015 – 6(2) Page 289-293.
  9. Dr. NS Sathish Kumar, Pavana K, Dr.AswiniDutt, “Correlative study of red meat consumption and cardio metabolic risk factors in young and aged female patients of type 2 diabetes”, Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences – 2015 – 2(8) Page 1141-1146.
  10. Divyashree N Unchil, Dr. NS Sathish Kumar, Dr. Roshan Suresh, Pavana Krishna Moorthy, Dr.Swetha Rao, “A Short project on Hematology skills between MBBS and BDS students”, European Journal of Pharmaceutical and medical research – 2015 – 2(5) Page 387-393.
  11. Ganesan Thangavel, “Pranayama : Transforming Medical Education By Igniting The Inner Teacher”, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health - 2015 November – 2(4) Page 351-356
  12. Dr.T.Ganesan, “Pranayama And Mahamantra Chanting : The True Innovation In Medical Education”, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research – 2015 Volume 4 – Issue 3.
  13. Dr.T.Ganesan, “Clinical Application of Yoga To Enhance Ethics In Medical Education”, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research – 2015 - Volume 4 – Issue -2.
  14. VijayaKoothan ,R.S.Bharathwaj “Canine olfactorysense in detection in screening for cancers” BOPAMS 2015June.

Year 2016

  1. Prem Balaguru, Vishnupriya Hariharan, Rajajeyakumar Manivel, Madanmohan Trakroo, “Measuring Respiratory Pressures with Mercury Manometer in Low Economic Health Care Settings – An Analytical Study”, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research - Jan-16 – Volume 10(1).
  2. Ashutosh B. Potdar, G.T.Kiran, G.Shrikanthan, Pallavi A.Potdar, Anuj Mittal, “Correlation of Stature and Foot Length among Medical Students from Southern parts of India”, January-March 2016 Volume 38 – 1.
  3. Sridhar VR, Jayakumar P, ArunSeetharaman Jaikumar S, “Sedative effect of lawsoniainermis root extract on phenobarbitone induced sleeping time in mice”, European Journal of Molecular Biological and Biochemistry - 19.06.2016 Volume 3(4), Page 223-226.
  4. Valluri Mukesh Krishna, Prasanna Kumar Turakar Joseph, Vivek Vattikutti, Gayathri Garika, “Evaluation of Mannheim Peritonitis Index in predicting the prognosis of hollow viscus perforation”, nternational Journal of Medical Science and Public Health - 10.08.2016
  5. Mukesh Krishna V. , Prasanna Kumar T.J. , Vivek V., Premalatha P., “Diffuse Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Colon: A Rare Case Report”, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Feb-16
  6. Sonia Arogya Prakash, Archana Vikram, Raja Gopal K, Poluri Seeta Lavanya, “Primary Cesearean Section in Multigravidas”, International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Nov-16, Volume 5, Issue 11, Page 3849-3852
  7. Kirankumar H, Vijaya Kumar T, “Comparative Study of Attenuation of Cardiovascular Response to Laryngoscopy and Intubation, Employing MgSO4 Vs Normal Saline – S Randomized Double Blinded Study”, International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research - Feb-16
  8. Dr.Rajesh Soni, “Prospective Study on Staphylococcus Aureus With Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern From Pus (Wound) Sample”, International Journal of Scientific Research - Aug-16 – Volume 51 – Issue 81.
  9. Smitha D Rajani,Dr.Rajesh Soni and Dhanji P Rajani, “Diagnostic significance of adenosine deaminase(ADA) activity in patients of pulmonary tuberculosis with and without pleural effusion”, International Journal of Applied Research, Jun-16 – Volume 2(7) Page 332-335.
  10. Dr.Rajesh Soni,Dr.Ranjana Soni, “Comparative Evaluation Of Anti - Bacterial Efficacy Of Sodium Hypochlorite And Carbolic Acid Against Enterococcus Faecalis As Root Canal Irrigant”, International Journal - January - February 2016 – Volume 7(1)
  11. Vijayakoothan, Anitha V , “Burden of adenomyosis in benign hysterectomy specimens” , Int J ReprodcontraceptObstet gnaecol.2016
  12. Dhandapani R ,Jayakumar.P, Jaikumar.S, “Hair growth promotion activity of herbal hair oil formulation in mice”, International Journal of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2016. Volume 6(2), Page 82-84.
  13. Canmany E, Jayakumar.P, Jaikumar.S, “In-vitro evaluation of polyherbal formulation in the development of carious lesionsin deciduous teeth”, Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences, 2016 Volume 3(6) Page 191-193.
  14. Sridhar VR, Jayakumar P, Arun Seetharaman Jaikumar S, “Anticonvulsant activity of oleogum resin extract of commiphorawightii against pentylenetetrazole induced convulsion in mice”, International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics, 2016, Volume 7(2), Page 53-56.
  15. Buvanaratchagan, Jayakumar.P, Jayakumar.P, “PongamiaPinnata: A Pontential Topical Herbal Antifungal Agent against Candida Albicans”, International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research, 2016, Volume 7(2), Page 102-105.
  16. Buvanaratchagan, Jayakumar.P, Jayakumar.P, “Evaluation of Antibacterial activity of pedalium murex fruit and its influence in dermatological infections”, International Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2016, Volume 7(2), Page 77-79.
  17. Dr.P.Kuppuraj, “Hydrocele Of The Canal Of Nuck In Pediatric Patients:Laparoscopic Treatment”, International Journal Of Current Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 4, Page 174-176.

Year 2017

  1. Dr. NS Sathish Kumar, Mrs.Pavana Krishnamoorthy, Divyashree N Unchil, Dr.Swetha Rao, Mr.Santhosh Kumar, “A study on effect of Indian Classical Music on Brain activity using EEG Signals.”, Journal of Medical science and clinical Research - 2017 May – 5(5):21702–21706.
  2. Srinivasan Pugazhendhi, Kirankumar Baskaran, Srikanth Santhanam, Balakrishnan S.Ramakrishna, “Association of ATG16L1 Gene Haplotype With Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Indians”, PLOS - 19.05.2017
  3. Krishnasamy Narayanasamy DM, Kirankumar B, Rajendran Karthick, “A Cross Sectional Study On Gallstone Disease And Its Risk Factors In A Tertiary Care Hospital of South India”, JSM Gastroenterology and Hepatology - 29.12.2017
  4. Dr.P.Kuppuraj, “Long-Term Abdominal Pain And a High Risk Of Perforation Are Common Symptoms Of Pediatric Appendicitis With Appendicolith”, International Journal Of Experimental Pharmacology – 2017, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 50-53.
  5. Dr. S. Selvakumar, “The Relationship Between Serum Lactate Levels And The Occurrence Of Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury And Patients' Long-Term Prognosis, In The Midst Of An Emergency Coronary Artery Percutaneous Intervention”, International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research – 2017
  6. Dr. S. Selvakumar, “A Case Report Of An Airway Emergency During General Anesthesia In A Child With Plastic Bronchitis After Fontan Surgery”, International Journal of Pharmacology Research – 2017
  7. Rajesh G.Soni, “Antibiotic Sensitivity Patten in Type 2 Diabetic Patients suffering From Urinary Tract Infection: A Prostective Hospital Based Study”, International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research - January - March 2017, Volume 3, Issue 1

Year 2018

  1. 1. Sunitha R, Prathap Kumar J, “A Study of Palmaris Longus Muscle: Its Anatomic Variation with Embryological Significance and Clinical Importance”, International Journals of Anatomy and Research - 05.05.2018 - Volume 6(2.2)
  2. Mubeeen Shaikh, Sushma, Hariharan S, Satish Kumar NS , “Correlation of Hand Length and Height in the residents of Keralaand Estimation of Height from Hand Length using Regression Equation”,Indian Journal of Anantomy - 2018 May-June – 7(3) Page 296-301.
  3. Dr. Satish Kumar NS, Dutt A R, Hemaraj S.K, Shet, U.B, D S’ouza, N.D.R, “ Profession influence the attitude and competency among the first year medical students”, South East Asian Journal of Medical Education (SEAJME) - 2018 Dec – 12,(2) Page 45-50.
  4. Divya Bagya A, Ganesan T, Maheshkumar K, Venkateswaran S T, Padmavathi R,” Preception of Stress Among Yoga Trained Individuals” ,National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology – 2018 – Volume 8 – Issue 1.
  5. G.Shrikanthan, Senthil Kumaran M, “Evaluation of the Impact of an Additional teaching Module Developed for Issuing Wound Certificate”, International Journal - July-September 2018 Volume 40,3.
  6. Dr.P.Kuppuraj “Management Of An Early Appendicular Lump In Childern: A Comparision Of Laparscopic Versus Open Surgery From The Perspective Of A Low –Middle-Income Country”, International Journal Of Pharmacology Research – 2018, Volume 8, Issue 2, Page 101-104.
  7. Prasath Chandran, Vino Barathi Karunanithi, “Comparison of Morphine with Nalbuphine as an Adjuvant to Caudal Bupivacaine: A Double blinded Randomized Study”, 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7, Page 1171-1176.

Year 2019

  1. Suresh NM, Sunitha R, Aruna N, Nalini JP, “Morphometric Study of Femoral Neck – Shaft Angle in Kolar Population and Its Clinical Importance”, Indian Journal of Anatomy - Sep-19
  2. Gowri Shankar, N.Muthukumaravel, “A Morphological and Morphometric Study of Foramen Ovale in Dry Skulls of Indian Population”, National Journal of Clinical Anatomy - 2019
  3. Vishnu Priya Hariharan, Krishnan Srinivasan, Madanmohan Trakroo, “Effect of Deep Breathing on Cardiac Axis of Young Normal Subjects in Various Postures – A Pilot Study”, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research - Mar-19 – Volume 13(3).
  4. K.Lavanya, R.Arunkumar, A.Ruckmani, Lakshmipathy Prabhur, Vinayak Meti, K. Neevedha, E Abinaya and A. Nasrin Nisha, “Effects of Non-Caloric Artificial Sweetners (NAS) on Glycaemic Status in Male Swiss Albino Mice”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research - 2019
  5. A.Vijay[1st Author], M.Sudha, “A Study of Platelet Indices In Small For Gestational Age And Appropriate For Gestational Age In Neonates”, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Current Research - July-August 2019
  6. G.Vijayalakshmi, A.vijay[Corresponding Author], Upendra Yadav, “Coexistence of Allergic Nasal Polyps And Fungal Infection With Eosinophilia And With History of Occupational Exposure”, International Journal of Scientific Research - Sep-19
  7. M.Sudha ,A.vijay[Corresponding Author], “A Study of Platelet Indices In Healthy And Sick Neonates”, Indian Journal of Pathology Research and Practice - Sep-19
  8. M.Sudha, A.vijay[Corresponding Author], G.Vijayalakshmi, A.vijay[Second Author], M.Sudha, “Case Study Of Various Presentation Of Lymphnode Enlargement With Occasional Of Fungal Infection”, International Journal of Scientific Research - Dec-19
  9. Vijaya Doddaiah, HR Padmini , Santhya Seenivasen, Megha Vikram,“Pseudomembranous Conjunctivitis Caused by Staphylococcus aureus”, Journals of The Academy of Clinical Microbiologists – 2019 Volume 16 – Issue :2 Page 104-105.
  10. Senthil Kumaran, G.Shrikanthan, Amudharaj Dharmalingam, “Undergraduate Medical student’s perception about sexual harassment, stalking and voyeurism in India”, Global Journal For Research Analysis - May-19 Volume 8, Issue 6.
  11. Senthil Kumaran, G.Shrikanthan, “A Study on cephalic indices among students from Tamilnadu of India”, International journal of Scientific research - Jun-19 Volume 8, Issue 5.
  12. Dr. Pokkula Ramesh, Dr.Challuri Anita, Dr.Arige Subodh Kumar, Dr. Erugurala Mahendar, Dr.Valluri Mukesh Krishna, “Prospective Study of Closureof Compound Wounds With Stainless Steel Wires”, International Journal of Scientific Research - Jan-19
  13. Dr.H.Kirankumar, Dr.B.Amarnath Reddy, “Outcomes of Postoperative Residual Neuromuscular Blockade: Comparison between Sugammadex and Negotigmine”, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Diagnosis Research - Jun-19, Volume 3, Issue 6, Page 54-57.
  14. Dr.H.Kirankumar, “Behavioural Pain Scale to Assess Pain in Sedated and Conscious Patients” International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies - Jul-19, Volume 3, Issue 7, Page 31-34.
  15. Dr.H.Kirankumar, “Comparison of Esmolol, Labetalol and Lignocaine Attenuation of Sympathomimetic Response to Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation”, International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies - Jul-19, Volume 3, Issue 7, Page 211-215.

Year 2020

  1. Savitha V, Sunitha R, “Sexual Dimorphism with the Shape of Hyoid Bone”, Indian Journal of Anatomy - Sep-20
  2. Kirankumar Baskaran, Srinivasan Pugazhendhi, Balakrishnan S. Ramakrishna, Toll-Like Receptor Gene Polymorphism In Indian Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease”, Gastroeneterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy Practice - 05.12.2020,
  3. G.Vijayalakshmi, A.vijay[Corresponding Author] ,M.Sudha, “Interpretation Of Pseudolymphoma And Adenocarcinoma In Gastric Biopsies”, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Current Research - Jan-20
  4. Senthil Kumaran M, G.Shrikanthanm, “Awareness among undergraduate medical students about the laws on rape in India”, International journal of creative research thoughts (IJCRT) - Jun-20 Volume 8, Issue 6.
  5. Dr.Uma Anand KP, Dr.Justin Moses, “An Experimental study to evaluate a new radiographic method for measuring femoral anteversion”, International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences - 11.03.2020, Volume 6, Page 15-22 .
  6. Dr.Uma Anand KP, Dr.Justin Moses, “Mathematical analysis of femoral version controversies in MRI and axil oblique CT measurement”, International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences - 15.03.2020, Volume 6, Issue 2, Page 24-26.

Year 2021

  1. Iyyanar Jayaraj, “Orofacial Clefting – An Extensive Review”, International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies - Sep-21
  2. T.Ashiq, Sri Rajendran , Sri Ramkumar, N.Mugunthan, R.S.Uma, Iyyanar Jayaraj, Vallabhai Sethuramachandran, “Orofacial Clefting – An Extensive Review “International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies - Sep-21
  3. Mr. T. Ashiq[IST Author], “Microbiota of Orofacial Cleft”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research - Nov-21
  4. Vino Barathi Karunanithi,Kumaresan Sathappan,Anbu Murugaraj Annamalai, “Comparison Between Ultrasound Guided Peritubular Infiltration and Paravertebral Block For Postoperative Pain Relief In Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy”, Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia - January –February 2021, Volume 8,1.
  5. Kumaresan Sathappan, Vino Barathi K, Prasath Chandran, “Comparative Study of Magnesium Sulphate and Lignocaine Viscous Gargle in Prevention of Postoperative Sore Throat – A Experimental Study”, Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia - January –February 2021, Volume 8,1.

Year 2022

    1.Balaji Arumugam,L Sanjana,D Guna Singh,P Kuppuraj,T S Mohammed Sayee A narrative review on the experience of “Family Adoption Programme” in a tertiary care institute - Sep-08
    2.Balaji Arumugam, Sivapriya Kandallu, Jeevanandham Perspectives On Health Care Cost-Consciousness among Medical Students and Physicians- April-30


Coming Soon